Home Forums DIY Packrafts Heat Iron Exploded! (Anyone has one in Germany?)

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  • #16553

    So I was making good progress ironing the first tube yesterday, when I noticed something warm on on my elbow. I looked and it was thick, gray smoke coming from the back end of the leather iron. I quickly threw it onto a plate I have on the floor for putting the hot iron on and immediately after a loud pop sounded with a spark coming from the iron. At the same time the electricity was cut off in my room.

    The iron had been on for around two hours. It’s the same one that Matt is using, from Ali Express. Anyone know if there’s a limit for how long one should have it on? It was set to around 210 degrees celcius.

    The problem is that it takes weeks to get a new one from China..

    So if anyone has one in Germany or elsewhere in Europe, I would be very grateful if I could buy it. I’ll try to see if I can repair the broken one, also.


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  • Author
    • #17824

      Ohh boy .. this exact thing just happened to me also …. Loud pop  and the light went out on the iron .
      Now  the iron will get hot just not hot enough to weld a seam . Just started baffle  C so I’d only used it for about an hour .
      mom wondering if there’s an easy fix these you found Tuk ?

    • #16564
      Matt (Admin)

      Yikes, that could have ended badly!

      I’m not aware of any time limitations for the irons – I have left my irons plugged in for much longer than two hours without any sign of problems, and I haven’t heard of anyone else having this problem either, so I think maybe you were unlucky and received a bad iron. It’s unfortunate that it takes so long to get a new one… I hope someone will see your note and help you out!

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